We are accepting donations for the 180 SOLAR PANELS (P15,000.00 per panel). There were already generous persons who had donated. Join them in helping the seminary respond to the challenge of Laudato Si.
We are accepting donations for the building of the Seminary Canteen (Php 3,960,000.00)
St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary (SVFS) is grateful for your intention to donate. Your concern for SVFS is above and beyond. Upon donation, we collect your personal information including but not limited to: your name, email address, and other contact details.
The information you share with us will be used for a variety of academic, administrative, historical, and statistical purposes. They may also be used for communication such as informing and/or inviting the data subject for our events, proposals, promotions, and other activities of SVFS.
The disclosure of any of your information will be handled with prudence to pursue the legitimate interests of both parties in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA No. 10173).
When the billing country is the U.S.,
the 9-digit postal code must follow this format:
[5 digits][dash][4 digits]
Example: 12345-6789
When the billing country is Canada,
the 6-digit postal code must follow this format:
Example: A1B 2C3
For the rest of the world countries, the maximum length is 10.